All posts tagged programación

Online Training · Formación

e-learning for 2016

2016 begins with a wide range of online courses in areas such as Marketing, Advertising, Design and Programming. We have selected some of the more interesting online training centers. All courses are for free or with very affordable prices:   Free online seminars. IEBS Business School. A business school with a set of highly recommended […]

Diseño web Fundación José Navarro Herbolario

José Navarro Foundation is an organization dedicated to promoting responsible and healthy habits of consumption, with projects in Valencia, Madrid, Palma de Mallorca and Castellon. In collaboration with Agua y Sal Comunicación, we have designed the new website of the company just presented. This is a website with all corporate information, including the latest news […]

Aquí tenéis un buen gestor de bases de datos MySQL para Mac. Es gratuito y muy fácil de utilizar: Sequel Pro

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