All posts in marketing

keywords SEO

We are creating the website for our company. Sure you want to appear it on Google and other Internet search engines. The first question is: What words I should choose to appear in Google? The first step is to choose those words, that in SEO are known as keywords. Here are some ideas: 1 What […]

ipday2016 Propiedad Intelectual

On 26 April, on the occasion of World Intellectual Property Day, information sessions will be held about the new Spanish Patent Act. This new law equates the Spanish patent to the law internationally and to strengthen the system of national patents, establishing a legal framework that favors the truly inventive and innovative activity, implementing a […]

Marketing para eCommerce 2016

A Marketing Plan is essential to improve sales of our products or services. Prestashop has prepared a calendar for 2016 that will help us to plan ahead our advertising campaigns and promotions for each event. It includes 60 tips to improve our shop. Here you can download the eCommerce Calendar 2016 in PDF format.

Instalación de Rótulos en Valencia

The American company Sign Works Group, Inc has commissioned the installation of signage at the new headquarters of Analog Devices in Valencia, located in the park of the University of Valencia in Burjassot. Thanks to the hard work of our fellow GAC Creatividad Visual, here you can see the result.

google analytics en Wordpress

Google Analytics is a powerful tool to view the statistics of our website and track user visits. In this article we will see how to register an account with Google Analytics and how to enter the Google script to start using the statistics. 1. To create an account with Google Analytics, we will: 2. […]

Plugin Wordpress compartir en redes sociales

There are many social networking plugins that can be installed on WordPress, but this is the best of any I’ve tried so far. Social Share & Locker Pro includes 10 different themes and enables display buttons to share on social networks with a very different look. You can configure it for mobile, put the buttons […]

Observatorio Cetelem eCommerce 2014

ECommerce Report 2014 published by the Cetelem Observatory. The Cetelem Observatory has published its report about e-commerce in Spain in 2014. An interesting study about the habits of users to shop online. In this infographic you can see a summary of the key findings: Complete report in PDF: Informe comercio electróncio en España 2014   […]

Según Clayton M. Christensen, una innovación disruptiva es aquella que desarrolla productos o servicios más sencillos de utilizar, más baratos de producir y que van dirigidos a una necesidad de los consumidores que todavía no ha sido satisfecha. Como dijo Theodore Levitt, la gente no quiere comprar un taladro de 6mm., sino un agujero de […]

personal branding marca personal activa

Marca Personal Activa

Os presentamos un proyecto de colaboración que hemos preparado conjuntamente con Maite Finch Evoluciona Talento. Dada nuestra experiencia y nuestras conversaciones con emprendedores, profesionales y empresas, hemos extraído la conclusión de que potenciar la visibilidad y el trato tangible con nuestros clientes, necesita de un trabajo completo y multidisciplinar. Por ello, hemos creado la MARCA PERSONAL ACTIVA, […]

El blog Emezeta nos ofrece un buen artículo sobre los principales consejos para posicionar nuestra web en Google. El posicionamiento natural en buscadores es una tarea complicada y, sobre todo, una cuestión de tiempo. Pero, desde luego, hay algunas tareas que son básica y relativamente fáciles de llevar a cabo. Aquí encontraréis muchas de ellas: […]

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